Data & Insights
Below are a sample of different topics in which Colography has deep insights and datasets.
Industry-View Data
Shipping Market Size and Growth (shipment tons, revenue)
Package weight distribution
Carrier shares
Shipment characteristics (e.g., package type, frequencies)
B2B vs B2C split
Geographic breakdown (origin, destination)
Geography-View Data
Market Size and Growth (shipment tons, revenue)
Weight distributions
Carrier participation / shares
Shipment Characteristics
B2B vs B2C spllit
Industry breakdown
Carrier-View Data
(Major National Carriers)
Market Size, Growth
Market Shares
SWOT Analysis
Product and Service Offering analysis
Volume Profiles
B2B vs B2C​
Package Types
Industries served
Pricing Insights
Rate and Rate Change analysis
Surcharge and Discount Analysis
Platform / Marketplace Rate Analysis
Price Benchmarking
Returns Logistics
Returns Market Size, Growth, Trends (by tons, packages)
Returns industry / product type shares
Return methods (most used, share of total)
Carrier market shares for returns
Regional Carriers and Last Mile Carriers
Carrier Profiles
Coverage Area
Price and Service Offerings
Volume / Size estimates
Shipping Platforms, Marketplaces
Products and Service Offerings
Carrier Rate Analysis
Target Customers / Industries
SWOT Analysis
U.S. Cross-Border (USMCA)
Air vs Surface
Modalities Used
(Parcel, FTL, LTL, Air) -
Volumes and Trends
Geographic Distribution
US International
Destination by world region
Industry makeup
Carrier participation